Although I'm sure you'll get your fill about me, I figured that it might be nice to have some background on who "Meggie" is.
I am:
- a teacher of middle school students with special needs
- a wife of 3 years, dog mother to a gorgeous English pointer
- a cheerleading coach
- slightly OCD and very sarcastic
- very fit-focused (now)
- curly and sometimes level headed
I am not:
- a perfect role model
- always a clean eater
- a good house keeper
- always put together
After all that, if y'all are still reading, it's important to know that I haven't always been fit focused. In fact, I was the opposite. I thought people that who went to the gym were CRAZY! I also thought that food was only for enjoyment, and soon enough, food was the only enjoyment I paid attention to. I quickly became super overweight- 207 pounds at my heaviest weighed (I'm sure I was heavier than that too-just refused to get on the scale) and pushing through a 20 in stretchy jeans. Worst part was, I hated myself too much to do anything about it. After a lot of motivation and inspiration from friends, I joined a weight-loss challenge at my doctor's office and was quickly on my way. I began eating as clean as I could figure out; it's still a learning curve, but an exciting one. After I lost the first 7 or so pounds, I joined Whitney, and her friend Paige, at their summer bootcamp class. ( I still have a love for stadium steps... ha!) I left that first class crying (I mean bawling, y'all, snotty nose and everything), but I promised myself that I would never be that fat again.
That's now my mantra- I will never be this fat again. I say it everytime I work out (especially through cardio- my fave...not!) I am 50 pounds down from May 2013, and I will hopefully be editing that down soon enough!
Hey! Can you do a post on what exactly clean eating entails/means? Your recipes look really yummy, but I don't know that much about clean eating. Does it always mean all organic, no sugar, etc. or no? Just curious...